Conference • Krakow

Summary Conference “Phosphorus Raw Materials in Visegrad Countries – Building V4’s resilience in post-COVID period”

Conference is the summary of the project, where its results will be presented to the wider audience. The most important objective of the Conference is to present the issue of Phosphorus scarcity in V4 and ways to prevent insufficient amount of P in V4’economy (and thus no possibility of producing food in V4) by innovative solutions that can be implemented under the Circular Economy and Green Deal Strategies. This Conference aims to provide the platform presenting multidisciplinary knowledge with high scientific and practical importance, where Participants from different fields of environment (scientists, entrepreneurs, education) can come together and collaborate.
Competition • Karvina

Competition of student teams

The workshop in Czech Republic will take place in the form of a competition of four 3-member teams composed of students, who will compete for valuable prizes and then presented the results to the students of the university. The goal of the competition is to apply knowledge about human resources management, connect students with practice and compare approaches to people management within the V4 countries. The principle of the competition is solving a case study using data from the project research and applying it to the conditions of the V4 countries, where each competing team represents1 drawn country. The public part of the competition also includes the presentation of the results achieved by the project solvers.
Seminar/workshop, Lecture • Pristina

Countering disinformation in V4 and Kosovo (experts)/Lecture entitled „How to tackle disinformation“ (students)

Day 1 Experts from AMO, Slovak and Polish partners will discuss the strategies for countering disinformation in V4 countries and Kosovo and exchange their experience on the topic. The experts will also discuss the involvement of the EU in countering disinformation in the V4 region and Kosovo. Day 2 Lecture entitled „How to tackle false information“ will lecture the university students on techniques for tackling false information.