Conference • Brno

4. Presentation of the results of the project on the occasion of the Arbor Conference in Brno

The results of the IVF Planting Our Future project will be presented during the annual Arbor Conference organized in Brno in Open Gardens and the headquarters of Nadace Partnerstvi. The place of the conference is itself a model example of the most energy-efficient office buildings in Europe. It saves water, energy, recycles, reduces environmental impact; the area is an example of high-quality urban planning and responsible modernization of the city with an almost zero carbon footprint. The Conference gathers around 60 participants from the public sector, private sector and academia, including representatives of companies, schools, non-profit organizations, municipalities, cities and farmers and the Ministry for Environment. It is focussed on exchanging experiences and knowledge on planting and tree care, including the topic of after-care of plantings. During the Conference experts from Czechia, Slovakia and Poland will share with the public the results of the IVF Planting Our Future project in a form of panel discussion. The Conference will be accompanied by the meeting of project partners.
Presentation, Seminar/workshop • Prague

Visegrad Film Forum – master classes I (Prague)

Master classes by international professionals are designed to benefit all film professions and cover every aspect of the filmmaking process. Guest speakers are selected based on their expertise and experience. The guest speakers are not exclusively from the Visegrad region; our goal is to bring students and young filmmakers, mainly from the Visegrad region, into contact with well-known experts to enhance their knowledge and experience in the film industry, as well as to cross borders and learn about new procedures. In previous years, the VFF has welcomed renowned individuals such as director Peter Strickland (UK); DOPs Christian Berger (AU ), or Slawomir Idziak (PL); documentarian Mads Brügger (DK); film architects László Rajk (HU) or Eggert Ketilsson (IC) ; sound designer Christopher Newman (US) among many others. The master classes are always conducted by the specialized knowledge of the guest speakers, and some may be facilitated by a moderator provided by the event. The master classes are delivered in English; in cases where guest speakers are not fluent in English, we offer high-quality interpretation services to and from English. As many of these individuals are long-term guests, some invitations may extend over several years, contingent upon their availability. Currently, we are in discussions with Gael Garcia Bernal (actor, director), Mark Irwin (DOP), and Ada Solomon (producer). In Prague we are planning to organize 2 master classes.
Film screening, Presentation • Prague

Visegrad Film Forum & FAMUFEST

This year, the Visegrad Film Forum joined forces with FAMUFEST and brings together an interesting program. Don’t miss the warm-up in Prague and see you from March 19th in Bratislava! Thanks to collaboration with Visegrad Film Forum, FAMUFEST will bring to Prague even more international guests and will be perfect warm up before Visegrad Film Forum in Bratislava starts. FAMUFEST starts on March 5 and will be till March 9.