Study trip/excursion • Rzeszów

Study tour

The purpose of the study tour is for the project partners and the CCI players from their city to learn about the cultural life in Rzeszów (Poland), to visit the most important cultural sites in Rzeszów, and to build professional relationships. Part of the program is a networking event to which the participants of the Rzeszów CCI sector are invited, and which provides an opportunity for the guests to learn about the experiences and challenges of the Polish CCI sector, and to start a discussion on the development of common solutions. The study tour lasts two days (one night), the program is approved by the project partners in advance based on the proposal of the Rzeszów partner.
Conference • Krakow

Conference under the title: “Continuity and Discontinuity of Legal Systems after World War II in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland: The Difficult Heritage (1944/1945-1989)”.

Conference under the title “Continuity and Discontinuity of Legal Systems after World War II in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland: The Difficult Heritage (1944/1945-1989)”, coordination Kraków, PL.
Presentation • Biarritz

International Pitching Forum

Presentation of documentary projects from V4 and other European countries. Over the course of two days, 24 projects with high international potential will be presented to a large professional audience (commissioning editors, distributors and sales agents, producers, funders. Around 150/200 people). The sessions are moderated and animated by two highly experienced and recognized profiles from the industry: Margje de Koning (Movie that Matter, Netherlands) and Gitte Hansen. Inside this selection, we plan on receiving quite a few projects from Visegrad (thanks to the free waiver we will hand to the professionals who request it). We pay close attention to the representation of VISEGRAD projects within our selection every year. Therefore, we plan on having between one and three V4 projects in the final selection. As for comparison, we presented 4 V4 projects which pitched last year (January 2024) : • FROZEN OCEAN (dir. Viktória Dénes, prod. Julianna Ugrin / Éclipse Film, Hungary) • VALLEY OF THE WIDOWS / ÚDOLIE VDOV (dir. Miro Jelok, prod. Katarína Jonisová, Vințafilms, Slovakia) • NEW ADAM (dir. Máté Takács, prod. Judit Sós / Proton Cinema, Hungary) • THE FIRST SWALLOW / PIERWSZA JASKÓŁKA (dir. Johanna Roj, prod. Glib Lukianets / Gogol Film, Poland) For our 2025 edition, we have selected the following VISEGRAD projects: • WALTZ FROM THE WELL by Tymon NOGALSKI - Warsaw Production Team – Slawomir RICHERT, POLAND • WORLD OF WALLS by Lucia KAŠOVÁ - Guča films Matej SOTNÍK, SLOVAKIA)