Through the Lens: A New Perspective on Homelessness
Budapest hosted Picture it!, a photography exhibition featuring images captured by homeless individuals across Central Europe in October 2023. Led by the Menhely Foundation and the International Visegrad Fund, the initiative offered a powerful statement on dignity and resilience.
Read moreBoccia Tatra Cup: Promoting Inclusion and International Competition
The Boccia Tatra Cup 2024, which earned the nickname "The tournament with heart" from its participants serves as a critical event for the boccia community, offering a competitive space for athletes with disabilities to compete in an inclusive, international setting.
Read moreActive Ageing in the V4 Countries
The project "Active Ageing in the V4 Countries" focuses on senior citizens in the Visegrad region. It aims to combat social isolation and loneliness, to gather best practices on activities for older people and to prepare a handbook that could be used by different organizations and municipalities to motivate seniors to be more active.
Read moreVisegrad Sustainable Living Labs Network for Universities
The project implemented by the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów and its partner universities from Czechia, Hungary, and Slovakia aimed to create a Living Labs (LLs) network at campuses in Rzeszów, Pécs, Prague, and Prešov.
Read moreV4 Educational Academic Portal for Integrating IT into Education
The project aimed to create a regional IT education platform called EDUPORT. This ambitious project brought together leading universities from Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Ukraine and fostered academic synergy. It also addressed the pressing need for digital transformation in education, a priority accelerated by the global pandemic.
Read moreExplore hidden treasures of tourist and travel pearls
Tourism in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary is coming to life by harnessing the power of digital innovation and partnerships. Bringing together entrepreneurs, tourism professionals, artisans and culinary masters has created a dynamic network showcasing the rich cultural heritage and diverse program of the V4 region.
Read moreTraining and integration of the mountain rescue services in Georgia
The ICAD Foundation initiated an intensive three-day Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) training program for 30 Georgian rescuers, consisting of 17 dedicated volunteers and 13 emergency service personnel.
Read moreCarbon-Free Economy: Best Practices between V4 and Ukraine
Carbon-free future at your fingertips! More than 150 students from Ukraine and V4 countries participated in the two scientific festivals to learn more about carbon-free economy and sustainable energy transformation. Now it is your turn!
Read moreVisegrad Music Youth Academy
Talented young musicians from all Visegrad countries had the opportunity to participate in the Visegrad Music Youth Academy led by reputable and world-renowned concert artists from the Visegrad region.
Read moreFantazery Residency and Festival
In the picturesque village of Yasinya located in the Western Ukraine, the Fantazery Residency and Festival brought together artists from V4 countries and Ukraine. This unique gathering aimed to reflect on the impact of the Russian invasion on the country through the lens of art, fostering creativity, healing, and integration.
Read moreThe Summer Workshop Camp
Twenty girls and boys from Roma communities in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia took part in a summer camp in Oświęcim (Auschwitz) actively participating in a total of eight wonderful workshops on education, social skills, painting, and music.
Read moreMidsummer traditions of Kupala Night in Muszyna
A unique initiative brought together 32 school children from Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine for a transformative experience. These young minds embarked on a joint project designed to foster understanding, appreciation, and connection among diverse cultures during midsummer traditions and customs on the outdoor staging of Kupala Night in Muszyna.
Read moreUkrainian Authors for Europe. Europe for Ukrainian Authors.
Literary and cultural organizations from V4 countries and the Netherlands proposed a scholarship program for Ukrainian writers and journalists in early June of 2022, three months into the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Read moreV4 Winter Games Emil Open
The V4 Winter Games became the only project of its kind in the Czech Republic or perhaps even in Central Europe. The aim is to bring young beginners or people with disabilities together who have never played any sport before.
Read moreV4 AbstrACTION
The V4 AbstrACTION aimed at activating children from the V4 countries through artistic activity: creation and reception of art. The important role was played by reference to the common cultural and artistic heritage. The leading organization built the project on the fact that film-making with the children and the exhibition have raised their awareness of the reception and creation of art.
Read moreHelp Bats in V4
The main activities are dedicated to the education of children and the conservation of bat roost sites. Collaboration with schools, eco-centers as well as firefighters. And creating an educational bats` trail in Bratislava Forest Park, held a course for volunteer firefighters in Poland on how to remove bats from houses and revitalized roost places.
Read moreVisegrad Roma Magazine
First Roma Media from Hungary, Romana Television from Slovakia and Romea Television from Czechia jointly created a ten-episode tv magazine, documenting several aspects of the lives of Roma communities in their respective countries. The Visegrad Roma Magazine embraces several topics from language and culture to housing, employment, and best practices.
Read moreThe Crisis of Local Journalism in V4 Countries
The project “The Crisis of Local Journalism in V4 Countries and the Specific Role of Municipal Newspapers” was designed and implemented by the Czech NGO Oživení, z.s , the Slovak Transparency International, the Polish watchdog Sieć obywatelska, and the Hungarian Merték Media Monitor, to address the crisis of regional journalism, which is a phenomenon common to all V4 countries.
Read moreFostering Social Art Practices in V4
Project “Fostering Social Art Practices in V4” contributed to the capacity building of non-formal education and successfully fostered collaboration between professionals from the social, educational and artistic fields working with underprivileged youth in the V4 region.
Read moreThe talk: Increasing capacities in parents
Children are the one of the most vulnerable groups in the society. It is crucial for them to have a solid source of information and have healthy relationships as adults. The best way to share the knowledge is to have an open and honest discussion with the parents about absolutely any topic.
Read moreNew Media Museum: Preserving Media Arts in V4
Creating Framework for Preserving and Collecting Media Arts in V4 was initiated by the Olomouc Museum of Art as a joint international platform for sharing experience with building and maintaining collections of new media artworks across different types of institutions.
Read moreRailway Heritage for Sustainable Tourism Development
Rail is an ecological, comfortable and safe means of transport, which plays a key role in the EU’s efforts to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, within the framework of a new growth strategy – European Green Deal.
Read moreMigration in Central Europe and Beyond
Migration is a part of our everyday life. How media are reporting on the migrants and refugees’ shapes public opinion towards these groups of people and therefore deep and continuous education of young journalists in a such sensitive topic is very important.
Read moreCohesion of Libraries and Schools for Community Participation
"Today, young people will go to the library less often just for books. They should see the library as a place where they can develop their own initiatives with their friends, work on projects, lay the foundation for what will further develop their village, district or city.“
Read moreVisegrad Young Film Days 2022 attractive for children
The Visegrad Young Film Days (VYFD) focus on audiovisual education and the strategic development of audiovisual education in the V4 countries. This theme of this year's edition is short audiovisual formats from art festival production to video clips, amateur production and online art. The project is a part of well-known Young Film Fest happening each year in Prague.
Read moreCitizen Science in the Carpathians: Building Capacities of Managers of Protected Areas
Thanks to implementing modern tools, this project deepened mutual understanding and respect among protected areas and inhabitants, which is crucial for establishing environment-friendly practices and sustainable societies.
Read moreInnovative tools in vocational education on cross border area
European Foundation of Development from Poland developed in cooperation with the Elementary school – Grundschule in Kežmarok a project to improve the soft skills in vocational/technical schools in border area.
Read moreTourism for All. Best Practise of V4 Countries
Tourism has to face many challenges and one of them is tourism accessibility. Infrastructure for people with disabilities, including infants and the elderly is not sufficient and it excludes them from visiting many destinations. The accessible tourism enables people with access requirements to function independently. Unfortunately, the vast majority of attractions and tourist facilities are not properly adapted to serve tourists with different types of disabilities in the V4 region.
Read moreBee Friendly
Did you know that more than 80% of plants depends on pollination by bees and other insects? The honey bee is not the only pollinator. There are over 2,000 pollinating insects in Europe.
Read moreSustainable Christmas
In today’s Green stories we will talk about how to make Christmas more sustainable. On one hand, Christmas is the most popular holiday season, but on the other hand, it is also one of the most wasteful and busy time of the year, too. Luckily, there are plenty of possibilities how to make the holidays low-waste but joyful. We would like to share with you some of our eco-friendly tips for the upcoming season:
Read moreGreen Promotion of you Project
In today´s stories, we are talking about how to plan project promotion in a more environmentally friendly way. Read on for our tips!
Read moreThe story of two water polo teams brought together by war.
In May 2022, Visegrad Fund supported project 'Host of the U19 Ukrainian Water Polo National Team' as a part of the special grant call Visegrad 4 Ukraine that aimed at mitigating the effects of war on people from Ukraine. Read the story of two water polo teams, as seen by our Project Manager Éva Merenics:
Read moreStrengthening of professional networking for impartial journalism in V4 region and Ukraine
“One of the biggest challenges in our countries is protecting the independence of media, the watchdogs of democratic development” says Nataliia Havryliv, coordinator of project ‘Strengthening of professional networking for impartial journalism in V4 region and Ukraine’
Read moreHigh School Business Challenge
The largest business competition in Central and Eastern Europe for high school students - The High School Business Challenge. The goal of the Challenge is to give high school students the opportunity to develop their confidence, expertise and provide them with the unique chance to test themselves in this field.
Read moreDevelopment of Carpathian Mountain Rescue Cooperation Platform
Mountains are for many families, youth and elders the first go to holiday destination in the Visegrad region. Either for a quick weekend getaway, or longer seasonal vacation, mountains offer multiple activities from skiing and snowboarding, to hiking, bungee jumping and many others. We all enjoy fresh air and peaceful forests. However, mountains also can be, unfortunately, very dangerous. It is when we need skilled mountain rescuers!
Read morePlatform for Central and Eastern Europe Women Artists
The Secondary Archive is an online research and database platform that presents non-Western — primarily Central and Eastern European — art through the lens of gender, covering the period after WWII through the present. The archive, an international project focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, is realised by the Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation, together with its partners Easttopics (Hungary) Björnsonova (Slovakia), and MeetFactory (Czech Republic). The platform gives free access to more than 250 female artists’ profiles, containing newly published artist and curatorial texts developed especially for the purpose of the archive. Representing three generations of artists from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, the platform aims to help promote, discover, and rediscover female artists and the most valuable phenomena of contemporary art of our region.
Read moreNo-one Should Sleep on the Street—Complex Sensitizing Campaigns on Homelessness in V4 Countries
The most recent data on homelessness is the following: 68.500 in the Czech Republic, 30.000 in Hungary, 33.408 in Poland are estimated to be sleeping rough on a single night with no official data from Slovakia. Moreover, recent comparative research has shown that post-socialist countries are leading in intolerance and prejudice among European countries. As the partners of the project claim, this has mainly been strengthened by populist and xenophobic discourse.
Read morePromoting Social Acceptance of Mentally Disabled People through Art
According to a study conducted by the World Health Organisation, an estimated 25 percent of the worldwide population is affected by a mental or neurological disorder at some point in their lives. Although the mental disorder is one of the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide, stigma and discrimination often make difficulties worse and prevent people from finding a purpose in life. Thus, it is common that people with disabilities are unable to support themselves throughout their lives and become dependent on social support schemes. The main organiser of the project, the Baltazar Theatre Company, is one of the very few artistic companies in the V4 region that employs and focuses on people with mental disabilities. In other words, all of the actors employed are salaried, thus, they can financially support their parents, relatives, or themselves.
Read morePrague Media Point: Focus on Investigative Journalism in V4 and Western Balkans
Prague Media Point is an international interdisciplinary conference for journalists, media professionals, scholars, policymakers, and activists, organized annually since 2012. Part of the conference’s 2020 edition focused on the safety and practice of investigative journalism in V4 and the Western Balkans countries.
Read moreScience Teens Platform
The Science Teens Platform set up a series of workshops and lectures organized with the goal to raise awareness of the importance of science among Ukrainian teenagers and children and to put them into an international scientific context through cooperation with tutors from the V4 countries. More than 64% of scientists of Ukrainian research institutions think, that conditions for scientists and popularity of this profession are decreasing. For this reason, the project aims to show the positive experience of countries V4, popularize science and as a result rise the awareness of importance developing science and technological entrepreneurship in Ukraine.
Read moreVisegRUN: Let’s Run for V4 Health & Integration
Did you know that More then 50% of population of V4 countries is overweight; about 25% is obese? At the same time, there is a huge percentage of highly processed food on a diet of the V4 nations. Considering V4 problems with obesity and inappropriate nutrition there is a need for initiatives to raise the lifestyle awareness in the V4 countries. The project goal is to advance V4 citizens’ physical activity & pro-healthy behaviour through developing joint V4 sports & health promotion initiative while contributing to regional and cross-border integration & cooperation.
Read moreWilderness on the Border
Do you know that Protected Bird Area Sysľovské polia located on the border of Slovakia, Hungary and Austria inhabits unique bird species that live only in this area? Unfortunately, the birds are now facing tremendous threats coming from very dangerous specie – humans. People living close by to Sysľovské polia enjoy its nature for recreation purposes. Legal restrictions and limitations due to conservation of nature are however often not followed because the people are not aware enough about the importance of this area. Especially in case of rare species, such as the Red-footed falcon, such disturbances can affect its whole population. Also, the critically endangered Great bustard is under high risk of this threat, especially in winter.
Read moreVisegrad Cooperation for Working with Seniors
Polish organization European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TRITIA, Ltd. implemented project with the focus on seniors together with project partners Home of social services and facilities for seniors Zákamenné (SK), Center of Social services Horelica (SK), District Residential Home "Pogodna Jesień" ("Sunny Autumn") (PL), Social Services Center in Český Těšín (PL), 9forces Foundation (PL), Public Servis Company St. Joseph, p.s.c. Ropice (CZ), Nursing house for seniors under a patronage of Sainth Elizabeth, Konvent sisters of St. Elizabeth (CZ), Cambio Foundation (PL), District Residential Home "Betania" (PL), Retirement home Vrbno (CZ).
Read moreGrassroots Advocacy Academy – Support Roma Activists
Stichting ERGO Network Organization from Belgium has organized Grassroot Advocacy Academy in Slovakia, Czech republic and Poland with the cooperation of their project partners Slovo 21 from Prague, Roma Advocacy and Research Centre from Skalica and Autonomia Foundation from Budapest.
Read moreTake a journey through Chernivtsi and Chişinău and discover cities‘ nearly forgotten sites of Jewish life
Hungarian organization Centropa together with The "Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre" Centre, NGO EDAH, Kurt and Ursula Schubert Centre of Jewish Studies, EcoVisio and the Center for Studies of Memory Policy an Public History Mnemonics launched ‘TransHistory: Promoting Civil Society and Jewish History in the Visegrad Countries, Moldova, Ukraine’ project.
Read moreDesign Without Borders – Meeting of European and Eastern European Designers
An exhibition series of designers, furniture, textile and jewellery designers and visual artists from Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland; and an event series of contemporary dance and contemporary music.
Read moreModern Roma Identity in the Visegrad Region
Through creative workshops, fashion designers and community workers engage with Roma women and disadvantaged youth sharing the forgotten clothing traditions of Roma in Visegrad region.
Read moreEUnderground: Cultural Dissent Movements in the Visegrad Countries
The EUnderground project reveals hidden cultural heritage of underground cultural movements in Eastern and Central Europe between 1948-89.
Read moreStrengthening Capacities of Dairy Farmers from Northern Moldova
An internship program at dairy farms in Visergad countries helps small and medium dairy farmers from Northern Moldova learn sustainable techniques for increasing production; improving products' quality; and raising farming profitability.
Read moreVzlyot Edition 2017/2018 – Visegrad School for Young Leaders
Vzlyot is a dyad of a winter and a summer camp for Moldovan young leaders to foster engagement with local communities, and to build long-lasting networks of cooperation and support.
Read moreAudio Description Over the Borders
Audio description experts from Visegrad and Eastern Partnership countries exchange best practices of adjusting museum and arts collections for blind and partially sighted persons.
Read moreCreative Youth Education for Responsible Mobility
A series of innovative and creative educational workshops help raise awareness of young people from Ukraine about safe travel and stay in V4 countries and the EU.
Read moreBuilding Bridges in V4 Young Glass Community
Leading glass and ceramics schools in V4 organize 3-days conference and a student competition to increase the involvement of young people in regional glass science and industry.
Read moreScratch Match: Regional Competition for Girls
V4 youth and IT organizations design programming competition to make technology more attractive for young girls in Visegrad region.
Read moreCarpathian Tourism
A series of workshops helps rural tourism actors to exchange best practices and to adopt new tools for development of their services.
Read morePreventing and Reducing Food Waste
Food Banks from Visegrad countries exchange their experiences with supermarket chains in order to improve preventing and reducing food waste.
Read moreAvalanche Prevention in the Ukrainian Carpathians
Czech, Polish and Slovak rescue volunteers and professionals share theoretical knowledge and practical skills for avalanche prevention with their Ukrainian counterparts.
Read moreV4 STEM Camp for Girls
A 5-day summer camp promotes science, engineering, technology, IT and mathematics (STEM) as an attractive career option for girls in V4 region.
Read moreVisegrad Summer School
Unique cultural and educational program bring together students, graduates, young researchers and journalists from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary as well as other Central and East European countries.
Read moreVisegrad Hostels: Discover the undiscovered
Four V4 hostels join forces to show the hidden gems of Central Europe – and discover its undiscovered local character.
Read moreOpen Skies, Open Societies: How Civil Society Can Use New Technology for Social Change
The project introduces drones to civil society organizations, independent media outlets, journalists and bloggers in Central Europe.
Read moreChromosome Carnival
A special event organized on the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day draws attention to the current situation of people living with mental disability in Hungary and the Visegrad region.
Read moreSkills Academy
By building an online platform, Skills Academy improves access to training opportunities for students in Ukraine.
Read moreCEAD – Central European Art Database
Project partners from among V4 galleries, museums and NGOs systematically map cultural life in post-war Central Europe creating an extensive interactive deposit of the historical era under the communist regime and shortly after its collapse.
Read more