Green Office – Green Visegrad

Have you ever thought about how much energy you use while working in your office? Read our tips on how you can reduce its amount:

– Turn off or unplug your devices when they are not in use. One easy way to do this is to attach everything to a power strip and turn it off at the end of the day.

– Equip your space with energy-saving light sources and energy-efficient electronics.

– If you purchase new equipment for your organization, opt for laptops instead of desktop computers, as they use up to 80 % less electricity on average. Put them on power-saving mode for increased energy efficiency.

– Use rechargeable batteries. They produce less waste than conventional disposable ones, save energy, and are more cost-effective. Did you know that they can be reused more than 500 times?

– Buy repairable products with a long warranty. E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world, and only 15-20 % of it is recycled.

– Look for products with environmental labels and declarations. With over 450 eco-labelling schemes in existence, it can be difficult to recognize the most trustworthy ones, but there are various resources to help us navigate them. The Rzeszow University of Technology and its partners contributed to a better understanding of this issue by creating learning materials for their students within the project Innovations in Circular Economy—Environmental Labels and Declarations, funded by the Visegrad Fund.

– Rent or borrow devices that you only use occasionally. Do you know if there are any libraries of things in your area?

– Buy reusable, refillable office materials

– Think about how your workplace is cleaned. Replace conventional cleaning products with high biodegradable content. Consider shopping in packaging-free stores, buy products in bulk. Prefer durable, reusable, and compostable cleaning tools. 


In the upcoming weeks, we will continue with further green inspiration about transportation and promotional activities. Follow our Green Stories!