Presenting our annual results

The Fund’s annual report provides a numerical overview and trends in our grant schemes and other programs. A total of 213 projects worth more than €6.27 million were approved in the year 2023.

Research and innovation, contacts between young people and support for Ukraine were key areas of focus for both the grant and mobility programs. Alongside the traditional grant schemes offered by the Fund, thousands of young people had the opportunity to meet their peers abroad thanks to 135 projects of V4 Gen Mini-Grants organized by schools and various youth organizations from the V4 countries and Ukraine. A new short-term mobility program, Visegrad Fellowships, has enabled 66 young academics to carry out research also in previously unsupported academic fields or institutions across the V4 region.

The results achieved required a great deal of effort and personal commitment of the Fund’s team, including its new members and we are proud of our achievements.

Enjoy reading all the important data and findings from our project managers.