V4-Japan Joint Research Program “Advanced Materials”
The International Visegrad Fund together with Funding Organizations of the Visegrad Group countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) have decided to support five research projects under the theme of Advanced Materials. Visegrad funding organisations are the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS), National Research, Development, and Innovation Office of Hungary (NKFIH), National Centre for Research and Development of Poland (NCBR) and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS).
The call saw a total of 42 proposals submitted, out of which 5 were selected for funding following an expert evaluation and consultation with participating partner funding agencies. The research period is scheduled to last for three years.
Selected research projects:
1. Black metals decorated with surface receptors as high–potentiality materials for gas sensing – This collaborative research aims to develop low-cost and highly sensitive sensors for NOX and organic nitrate detection at room temperature by incorporating Black Metals films decorated with receptors of organic substances and 2D materials that can selectively adsorb gase.
2. Development of Advanced Magnesium Alloys for Multifunctional Applications in Extreme Environments – The main goal of this project is to develop next-generation Mg alloys with long-period stacking ordered structure and other Mg alloys to meet the demands for greater mechanical performance, non-flammability and applicability in the human body.
3. Band–gap engineering in unconventional semiconductors – This collaborative research aims to explore advanced optical materials through crystal and defect engineering towards single photon emitters working at room temperature and wavelengths in the near infrared telecommunication and bio imaging window.
4. Perovskites Quantum Dots based Broadband Detectors – from a quantum dot to a functional detector – The main objective of the project is to study the perovskite quantum dots as an active medium for direct broadband detectors with high sensitivity in the X-ray spectral region.
5. Atomic design of carbon–based materials for new normal society – This collaborative research aims to develop high-performance carbon-based materials which are crucial to realize a new normal society.