- The country of the fellow’s citizenship and residence at the time of applying—Czechia (CZ), Hungary (HU), Poland (PL), Slovakia (SK) and Ukraine (UA)—must differ from the country of the host institution in the V4 region
- The fellowship must be conducted in person; only in exceptional cases with limited mobility can the fellowship be awarded for remote research/lectures (and only with justification both in the application and in the invitation document)
- Potential fellows must either be either full-time doctoral students or holders of a doctoral degree (regardless of their affiliation at the time of applying)
- Fellowships can last between 2 and 10 weeks; the proposed length must be well justified and detailed
- The support takes form of a lump sum scholarship amounting to €500/week paid in two instalments (80% and 20% respectively)
- Scanned valid ID document (ID card, passport)
- Scan of the doctoral diploma or a proof of enrollment in doctoral studies program
- Letter of invitation signed/stamped by the host institution detailing the precise length of the fellowship (providing a timetable), its concrete nature, and the intended outcomes
- A letter of recommendation issued by the applicant’s affiliated (home) institution or by a relevant expert (for non-affiliated applicants)
Applications get evaluated in terms of the following criteria:
- Academic credentials and/or work experience (incl. publication record and a recommendation letter)
- Coherence and justification of the research plan (incl. details related to the fellow's potential lectures or presentations and final publications)
- Regional relevance of the topic and justification of the host
Reapplying is possible but for capacity reasons, preference will always be given to those fellows not yet supported in the past and to the previously supported fellows whose proposals build upon past findings and/or alter the host institution/country.

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